
Showing posts from August, 2018

What type of eco-tourist are you?

Ecotourism is more than a style of vacation. Ecotourism is nature-based travel that empowers local communities, conserves natural resources, is sustainable, and supports conservation efforts. Ecotourism destinations are natural environments , sometimes with threatened biodiversity or wildlife, in which one enjoys the spender of nature. Although all ecotourist have a strong environmental commitment there are several key differences, which separates them into two groups: hard-ecotourist and soft-ecotourist. Do you prefer small groups, seek physical activity and challenge, do not require services (restaurant, hotel, public toilet), and interact deeply with nature? Then you are considered a hard-ecotourist. Do you prefer guided walking tours, bus and train tours, require services, and desire less interact with nature? Then you are considered a soft-ecotourist. Of course, it is possible to be a blend of both types. One thing hard-ecotourists need over soft-ecotourists is knowledge of

How big is your carbon footprint?

Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere from your consumption of fossil fuels. Consumption of fossil fuels does not only refer to how much fuel you use when you drive or fly, it also refers to how much electricity you use and how much stuff you buy even how often you eat dinner out. Use a free online carbon footprint calculator to measure your footprint. Then take steps to reduce your footprint! Help combat climate change by reducing you carbon footprint. Picture credit: NASA