Great Backyard Bird Count Citizen Scientist
The Great Backyard Bird Count is your opportunity to be a citizen scientist and help Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Audubon Society gather information on the North American bird population. For at least one day between February 14-17, 2020, simply count birds for 15 minutes. You can bird-watch from the comfort of your home or in the great outdoors. Why help? You will help create a snapshot of the abundance and distribution of bird populations. This information along with other citizen-science projects helps scientist develop a broader understanding of bird populations . Bird Identification Many people do not know what type of birds live in their area. Do not let this keep you from participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). There are several sources for helping you identify the birds in your regions, such as the free online resource published by the Bird Watcher’s Digest . Participation Information CREATE… First create a free GBBC account with