
Showing posts from 2021

Ways to Help the Environment in the New Year

Haleakalā National Park, Maui, Hawaii - Copyright Amy Bradley, 2021  Ways to Help the Environment in the New Year We often think of ways to live a better life in the new year. For the new year, consider ways you can improve your life and the health of the environment. In 2022, make a resolution to conserve natural resources in whichever way suits your lifestyle. There are many ways you can help the environment in the upcoming new year. Conserving water, reducing air pollution, and conserving energy are ways you can help. Remember many small changes add up to a big difference. Read on to learn what you can do to help. Salt Creek Falls, Oregon Copyright A. Bradley Ways to reduce water consumption A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. You can help conserve water by making a resolution that limits the amount of water you use.  Here are some ways you can commit to keeping your resolution. Only wash full loads of laundry Turn off the water when brushing your

Environmentally Friendly Holiday Travel

Environmentally Friendly Holiday Travel The holiday season is fun and festive full of family gatherings and holiday parties. Most of us travel long distances during the holiday season to visit family. This extra travel time increases the number of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere. There are ways you can travel this season guilt-free of your increased carbon footprint. Air Travel One way to reduce your carbon footprint when traveling by airplane is to p articipate in a carbon offsetting program. By purchasing a carbon offset, you are supporting a non-profit organization that supports carbon-reducing projects. Investigate in the program prior to participating to ensure you know how the organization uses the funds, if the results are guaranteed, and if the company is certified. Other ways to reduce your carbon footprint when traveling by airplane include: Use electronic tickets to save paper opt for non-stop flights if possible Pack light – share

What Does It Mean to Weatherize a House?

  What Does It Mean to Weatherize a House? Now is the time to prepare for cold, winter weather by weatherizing your house. All types of homes (apartment, duplex, mobile homes, single-family) benefit from weatherization. Weatherization is the practice of protecting the interior of your house from the elements of weather. Doing so will not only keep you warm and cozy in the winter it will also reduce your energy consumption and costs. How do I weatherize my house? To weatherize your house, you need to keep the weather elements outside. In the winter, this means stopping air drafts. There are several, simple steps you can take to weatherize your house. Windows and Doors Caulk doors and windows Install weather-stripping to windows and doors Install plastic sheeting on inside windows and sliding doors Install door sweep Use heavy curtains or drapes Attic, Chimney, Ducts Add insulation to attic and walls, as needed Seal air leak

USFWS Declares Wildlife Species Extinct

On Wednesday, the US Fish and Wildlife Service declared 23 wildlife species extinct. The 23 species were on the endangered species list. Climate change and loss of habitat are the reasons cited for the species extinction. For these species, the Endangered Species Act did not come in time. These species were endangered before Congress passed the ESA. But since its enactment, the ESA has successfully prevented the extinction of 99% of the listed species. Since the inception of the ESA, fifty-four species have been removed due to recovery. And fifty-six species were downlisted from endangered to threatened status. Needless to say, the ESA is working despite this dismal report. The following chart is from the USFWS . Species proposed for delisting due to extinction: Species Name Where Found When Listed Last Confirmed Sighting Bachman’s warbler FL, SC 1967 1988 Bridled white-eye (bird) GU (Guam) 1984 1983 Flat pigtoe mussel AL, MS 1987 1984 Green-blossom pearly mussel TN, VA 1984 1982 Ivory

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Carbon Footprint Assessment

New assessment finds ODFW managed lands sequester 6.5 times more carbon than emitted from agency operations. Read more at

Life Span of Different Bee Varieties



Single-Use Plastic Harms the Environment Marine Debris - Photo Credit: National Park Service Plastic bags, straws, toothbrushes, food wrappers, take-out containers are single-use plastic items that end-up getting thrown out. All plastics are made of non-renewable resources that do not decompose making them harmful to the environment. Plastic items also pollute the ocean and cause harm to wildlife. Plastic materials are made from either crude oil or natural gas both are non-renewable resources. Because plastic items do not decompose in nature, they pile up an pollute. Did you know there are over 8 million metric tons of plastic in the ocean? And did you know that each year over 27 million tons of plastic is dumped in the landfills? Plastic pollution can harm wildlife directly and by destroying their habitat. Mistaking it for food, wildlife can ingest plastic debris. In the oceans, plastic pollution can entangle and kill marine life . Plastic pollution also damages the habitat o

Tips on Reducing Water Usage

THREE EFFECTIVE WAYS TO REDUCE WATER USAGE Saving water is as easy as 1, 2, 3. One - use less water. Two - retrofit kitchen and bathroom fixtures. Three - use Energy Star appliances. We let the water run and do not even realize we are doing it. Our fixtures and old appliances use more water per minute than necessary. Read on to discover three effective tips to save water. Switch to Energy Star appliances The idea behind Energy Star appliances is saving energy, water, and preventing waste. The Energy Star seal approval is awarded to a variety of products that meet strike government standards. Products receiving the Energy Star approval include appliances, electronics, and building products. For instance, a way to reduce your energy and water consumption and costs is to switch to an Energy Star certified clothes washer . According to the EPA , Energy Star products use a quarter of the energy than a conventional clothes washer and use about a third of the water. For a list of th

Earth Day 2021 - Restore the Earth

Earth Day is a day to come together and celebrate our wonderous world. This year's theme is  Restore the Earth with the hope that all people can come together to heal the planet. If you are unsure how you can help heal the planet, the following twelve suggestions are a good place to start.  12 Ways to Help Heal the Planet: Save electricity Carpool or use public transportation Use reusable bags Save water Replace lawn with native plants Use reusable containers Volunteer for a non-profit organization Avoid single-use plastic Support habitat restoration Shop wisely (buy local, eco-friendly, organic) Reduce waste (compost, reuse, recycle) Clean up pollution #RestoreOurEarth #EarthDay #earthdayeveryday #plasticpollution #climateliteracy  #takeaction #Farmers4Earth Image credit: Vallejo Community Organizations Recycling 

The Top Five Ways to Help Our Oceans

The Top Five Ways to Help Our Oceans Ocean pollution harms marine wildlife, threatens food safety, and contributes to climate change. Ocean pollution reduces habitat and species populations. Pollution threatens food safety by contaminating seafood with heavy metals, which are harmful to humans. Ocean pollution contributes to climate change by changing the acidity and the temperature. By following these five steps, you will help reduce ocean pollution and increase ocean health. #1 DO NOT POLLUTE Our oceans are full of billions of pounds of pollution. In fact, billions of pounds of pollution enter the ocean every year. [1] The pollution comes from many sources including street trash, beach litter, and household waste. Other forms of ocean pollution include animal waste, vehicle fluids, and agricultural run-off. Credit: NOAA #2 STOP USING SINGLE-USE PLASTIC Plastics are responsible for 8 million tons [2] of ocean pollution per year. Sadly, wildlife gets tangled or ingests plasti

Disposable Face Masks: A Danger to Wildlife

Like all other “disposable” items, the single-use face mask ends up as pollution. According to the BBC News, environmental groups are reporting that, single-use masks are being dumped outdoors by the millions [1] . These masks then become a danger to wildlife . Tragically, wildlife gets tangled in the straps of discarded disposable masks or they may swallow the straps. SOLUTION : Use a reusable facemask that you can wash and use repeatedly! And when it is time to toss it out, remember to SNIP THE STRAP ! [1]

Climate Impact on the Water Cycle
